Have you ever wondered which type of parenting style you use when parenting your children.
There are three types of parenting, four if you consider neglectful parenting.
This blog will explain three, authoritative, authoritarian and permissive parenting.
Authoritative Parenting:
This style of parenting is considered to be the best for children. Parents using this style collaborate with their children about what is best for them. Parents using this style set reasonable standards for their children to follow. The rules in the family are usually sensible rules, for example, bed times, homework and leisure time. These parents set goals for their children and help them to attain them. They are directive but not pushy. The children usually feel nurtured and that what their parents want for them is for their own good
Authoritarian Parenting:
The authoritarian parent is much more strict. They set very high standards for their children which some children find difficult to meet.These parents punish their children more. They do reward the children but sometimes the children have to work very hard for the reward. They demand obedience and respect, where as the authoritative parents get both by collaborative methods.
Dr. Phil McGraw states that if you are an authoritarian parent and have a cooperative child you are likely to meet with a challenge because this child likes to be trusted to do what is expected of them and feel they should be treated as a responsible person.
Permissive parenting:
With this type of parenting the balance of power is usually with the child. The children have more control over the parents than the parents have over them. These children make a lot of their own decisions and sometimes when the parents try to intervene they are not taken seriously. Permissive parents usually encourage freedom of expression and choice to enable the children to be more creative.
Watch out for more on the effects of these types of parenting on children in a later blog.